Monday, March 1, 2010

Bummer you didn't take the opportunity to get easy points!

Extra credit is over!
Bummer you didn't take this easy way to earn some points. No crying at the end when you are 1 point away from a higher grade...
Positive Energy, Mrs. Cook

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I love introducing Frida Kahlo and her art to the class. I think she opens a door or window for students and artist to know it is o.k. to express how we ffel in our art. Your relief's are wonderful. I excited, intrigued and draw in to know more about your relief. Thank you for sharing your memories/stories with me. I am honored.
Positive Energy, Mrs. Cook

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Extra Credit

Hi Everyone
I am challenging you to get creative with me and teach me something new about ART!

3 points extra credit for your comments and ideas!

Positive Energy, Mrs. Cook

Leg Warmers

Hi Everyone
I just had a lot of fun making recycled leg warmers for Lizzy (4 years old). I took a sweater that I don't wear and cut the arms off to create the body of the leg warmers. Then I decorated them. They were really fun to make.

Any great ideas for me to make?

Positive Energy, Mrs. Cook

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Scholastics 2009-2010

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to share my Scholastics entries and tell you how proud I am of all my students. As you can see they are very talented. Noah C. won a GOLD KEY for "shark Bait", Kiley K. won a SILVER KEY for her "Tea Pot" and Will J. won an HONORABLE MENTION for his "Tree of Life". All the entries went above and beyond my expectations. I want to thank these students for their hard work and determination in creating their pieces. (This is Noah's clay piece.)

Chech out the Scholastics Slide is impressive!
Positive Energy, Mrs. Cook